Author: admin

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
by admin / on 25 November, 2022

How to add a Footer using Customization?

1. There are few ways to get into the customization option to do any changes in the theme.2. Go and Click on widgets in the menu .3. Click on the footer that you want to use.4. Then go to the add footer button .5.
by admin / on 25 November, 2022

Translation Ready: content into multiple languages.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque imperdiet eros ut neque venenatis, id ornare orci lacinia. Sed ultricies ullamcorper sapien, non consequat nibh pharetra porta. Aenean in velit vitae metus dignissim tempus et cursus nunc. Nam mollis tortor vitae quam accumsan maximus.
by admin / on 25 November, 2022

Change The Theme Background Image ?

Option to change the theme background image is available in our themes under the Customizer. In our theme you will get option to change the section background color and background image for each section. You will find more detail in our theme documentation. This
by admin / on 24 November, 2022

What is the shortcodes and where it can be use lets see ?

Shortcodes are an easy way to add dynamic content to your WordPress posts, pages and sidebars. Many WordPress plugins and themes use shortcodes to add specialized content like contact forms, gallery image ,sliders and more. And this is the easy way to show the
by admin / on 24 November, 2022

We will help to customise a theme you bought ?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lacinia orci at sem mattis molestie. Integer nec dui erat. Proin dui sapien, pretium quis eros nec, porttitor pulvinar sem. Maecenas facilisis urna nec erat elementum, quis tempor ligula dignissim. Nunc a egestas magna. Quisque
by admin / on 24 November, 2022

Footer Credit Text Remove : also remove the credit text easily.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lacinia orci at sem mattis molestie. Integer nec dui erat. Proin dui sapien, pretium quis eros nec, porttitor pulvinar sem. Maecenas facilisis urna nec erat elementum, quis tempor ligula dignissim. Nunc a egestas magna. Quisque